Tips for Year-End Gifts to Charity
Submitted by Monument Group Wealth on November 24th, 2014Nov 24, 2014
As the holidays approach, and the year draws to a close, many of us think about our charitable giving.
Nov 24, 2014
As the holidays approach, and the year draws to a close, many of us think about our charitable giving.
Nov 24, 2014
We all want our charitable dollars to make a difference, but when we are inundated with requests, how do we decide which charities will receive our donations?
Nov 20, 2014
Dear Clients and Friends,
We are often asked about our investment beliefs, our portfolio construction philosophy, our modus operandi. And, of course, when asked, we are delighted to share our thoughts about how to achieve a “successful investment experience.”
Dear Clients and Friends,
Readers of our quarterly letters may recall that we recently minted the term “bubblishers” (referring to those that publish market bubble headlines). While the term hasn’t caught on with the public or the offenders, the bubble articles are still being generated.
Dear Clients and Friends,
Over the last 9 quarters, we used this space to discuss the events of the previous quarter that may have been drivers of the market followed by commentary and charts listing quarterly and year-to-date performance of the various equity and bond markets.
Dear Clients and Friends:
We hope this quarterly letter finds you well and enjoying the autumn.
In this quarter’s letter, we include the Global Market Performance chart, our brief market comments, a bit on bonds and bubbles (of the economic and market sort) and the Timeline of Events.